Star Jones and Vivaca A. Fox: the ugly boob twins

Shaquille ONeal had his 34th birthday party in Miami on Friday and guess who was there? Big gay Al and Star Jones! Vivaca A Fox also attended and wore a jacket to cover up her capsized boob. Star Jones seemed not to realize that her boobs are sagging down to her waist and made a

Close up picture of Star and Al looking at a camera with Star's saggy cleavage circled and the caption WTF is wrong with Star's tits?
Shaquille O’Neal had his 34th birthday party in Miami on Friday and guess who was there? Big gay Al and Star Jones! Vivaca A Fox also attended and wore a jacket to cover up her capsized boob. Star Jones seemed not to realize that her boobs are sagging down to her waist and made a very unfortunate dress choice. I’m so sorry to inflict this picture on you.

Star has had so much plastic surgery her face looks like an alien. Maybe she can ask Vivaca for the name of a good surgeon to fix her tits too.

The party looks fabulous and seems to have taken place at Shaq’s house, from what we remember of his Cribs episode. Live tigers were there and there was a special pampering room for guests.

Other attendees included Fat Joe, Julio Iglesias Jr., Alonzo Mourning, Terrell Owens, Dwyane Wade, James Posey, Tracy McGrady, Udonis Haslem, and Gary Peyton. (Disclosure: I don’t follow basketball and my husband is foreign so I don’t know who most of these guys are.)

Here’s Vivaca, Star and Al. 18 more pictures of the party are after the jump.

Star and Al at Shaq's partyStar and Al at Shaq's partyStar and Al at Shaq's party

Shaq's partyShaq's partyShaq's party

Shaq's partyShaq's partyShaq's party

Star and Al at Shaq's partyShaq's partyShaq's party

Shaq's partyShaq's partyShaq's party

Shaq's partyShaq's partyShaq's party

Shaq's partyShaq's partyShaq's party

