McBusted - A Year in Review

From baby announcements to arena tours! We take a look back on McBusted in 2015! In December 2014, the McBusted boys announced theyd be doing an even bigger arena tour than their previous tour earlierin 2014. Thats right, they scrapped the Back To The Future theme even if the DoLorean did make an

From baby announcements to arena tours! – We take a look back on McBusted in 2015!

In December 2014, the McBusted boys announced they’d be doing an even bigger arena tour than their previous tour earlier in 2014. That’s right, they scrapped the Back To The Future theme – even if the DoLorean did make an appearance –  and went ahead with an arcade theme, known as the MEAT tour (Most Excellent Adventure Tour).

The boys put on a spectacular tour across the UK; meeting fans before the shows with special ‘MEAT’ and greet tickets (They saw the chance and took it!) and placing 2 OMFG tickets in 10 lucky OMFG tins, to give lucky winners to have an even better view of the show!

However, one of the stand out moments of the tour, was the kind and caring tribute the boys made to their friend Lil’ Chris, who sadly passed away a few days before their Sheffield tour date. The boys stopped their show and sang ‘Fight For Your Right’ claiming that Chris would sing this with McFly when Chris joined the boys on tour.

Watch the tribute here:


After the tour finished in April, the boys took a long, well deserved break! Which meant that Tom was reunited with his beautiful son Buzz, and they could provide us with cute videos like these!


You’ve definitely got a career in the making, Buzz!

And who could possibly forget the dandelions!?

Whilst Tom and Buzz continued to be father and son goals, Tom and his wife Giovanna announced that they’d be having ANOTHER child! Their announcement was somewhat different to a baby scan picture!


We bet Buzz can’t wait to meet his little brother or sister!

And we bet he’s so excited to meet his new BFF!

Harry and wife Izzy announced in August that they are expecting their first child! They announced their news on this cute Instagram post!

A photo posted by Harry Judd (@juddymcfly) on Jul 22, 2015 at 3:21am PDT

We CANNOT WAIT to see baby Judd!

The baby announcements did not stop there! It was recently announced that Matt and Emma are expecting their third child! How exciting!?

The feels!!

Putting their cuteness aside, they’ve also had the amazing opportunity to support the One Direction boys on their On The Road Again tour! The lucky things! They toured with the 1D boys earlier this year in Australia and supported them in Cardiff in June.

Niall announced the news on Twitter, and seemed pretty excited himself! Fanboy alert!

McBusted - A Year in Review 1

It’s safe to say that McBusted have had a very eventful year!

But the biggest news of the year, was that we found out that pigs can actually fly! Or rather that Charlie Simpson confirmed he will be joining Matt and James touring as Busted next year! The boys took to social media, and confirmed Charlie’s comeback with a sweet video of their reunion! Dreams really do come true!


What a wonderful journey the McBusted boys have been on this year!

What’s in store for the boys next year!? Will McFly make a return in 2016? Or will McBusted reunite to create another album?

Let us know what you think on Twitter! @CelebMix

