Matt Damon: Angelina Jolie is undeniably the most sexy woman on planet Earth

Matt Damon has a new (funny) interview with Extra. It was probably done yesterday during Matt and Michael Douglass Beyond the Candelabra promotion in Cannes. Matt talks about kissing Michael and bejeweled swimsuits and how much fun this project was for him, and them towards the end of the interview, the Extra dude asks him

Matt Damon has a new (funny) interview with Extra. It was probably done yesterday during Matt and Michael Douglas’s Beyond the Candelabra promotion in Cannes. Matt talks about kissing Michael and bejeweled swimsuits and how much fun this project was for him, and them towards the end of the interview, the Extra dude asks him about his friendship with Angelina Jolie and what Matt thinks about Angelina’s mastectomy. Matt’s reaction is cool. He says:

“She’s awesome… There are a lot of women who are struggling with medical decisions, and when they hear that the undeniably most sexy woman on planet Earth, as far as we know, is willing to take control of her health and be public about it, I think it gives other people courage to do that, too.”

[Via Extra]

Angelina and Matt worked together back in 2005, when she played his wife in The Good Shepherd, which was Robert DeNiro’s directorial debut. That film is a hot mess, but I thought it was better than a lot of people thought. If you get through the confusing first act (there’s a lot of jumping around in the chronology of the story), it gets pretty good and becomes a sad meditation on the power of secrecy and the solitude of intelligence work. Joe Pesci has an amazing small role (a glorified cameo) and it’s worth it just for that. Angelina’s role in the film is minimal, and she was pregnant with Shiloh when she filmed it. Matt is obviously friends with Brad too, as they’ve worked together a bunch of times in the Ocean’s films. So, Matt is friendly with Brangelina and he’s a good guy so he said something nice about his friend. Commence hissy fit!

Here’s the video of the Extra interview:

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

