some important information related to hnbgu PhD Entrance Examination of Garhwal University.
- How to repair the Phd Entrance Exam of this hnbgu University
- how to pass this exam,
- What will be the date of his application form?
- What will be the dates of examination form?

I am going to share all the information related to this with you in this article. So you must read this blog till the end.
Hnbgu phd Entrance exam 2023 – 24 online application form submission date
In the official notification, hemwati nandan bahuguna Garhwal University has told this notification that the application form of their hnbgu PhD entrance examination 2023 – 24 has been released only on 20th December.
And their last date will be to submit the online application form. Your 15 Jan 2022 and whatever corrections you will have in the application form will be between 16 to 18 Jan. You have to get the correction done.
Hnbgu Date issue of admit card download
Your admit card will be taken from 1st February. You can take Admit from 4th February. And the date of your PhD Entrance Exam will be there. 5 to 6 February 2023 which will be on Sunday, so in this notification he has also told.

In school, they will tell you on the website of this university. So whenever any exam related notification comes in this university, I will let you know through this blog.
Prospect of hnbgu related pdh entrance exam
Here they have given you some prospectus related to PhD entrance exam. Which I share with you.
देखिए – HNBGU PhD Admission 2023 के लिए जरूरी चीजें – (क्लिक करें)
In which he has told that in how many subjects you can do PhD in the PhD Entrance Examination of HNBGU Garhwal University, like School of Agricultural Science, Commerce, Education,
Some instructions for the Hnbgu PhD candidates
एचएनबीजीयू के प्रवेश सत्र 2023 यूजी और पीजी कार्यक्रमों के लिए CUET के माध्यम से आयोजित किया जाएगा। CUET UG 2023 परीक्षा 21 मई से 31 मई 2023 तक आयोजित की जाएगी। तथा CUET PG 2023 परीक्षा 1 जून से 10 जून 2023 तक आयोजित की जाएगी। जानकारी के लिए बता दें कि नए अपडेट के अनुसार CUET PG 2023 पंजीकरण की अंतिम तिथि 5 मई तक बढ़ा दी गई है।
1.Candidates must fill their details with utmost care and re-check.
2.Candidates should ensure that e-mail address and mobile number are provided.
3. The candidates are advised to regularly visit the website of the hnbgu University and also to check their
4. The online application form will be considered complete only after its final submission.
5. The entire application process including uploading of scanned images is online.
of the concerned school (contact details are available in the prospectus/website).
Hnbgu PhD Entrence Exam Eligibility Criteria
1 Master’s degree or a professional degree in a concerned subject or cognate or an allied/interdisciplinary subject, declared equivalent to a Master’s degree by
concerned statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade of ‘B’ in the UGC 7-Point Scale (or an equivalent grade in the grading system wherever grading system is followed)
or equivalent degree from a foreign educational institution which is recognized by an Assessment and Accreditation Agency.
quality of educational institutions in its own country or in any other statutory authority in that country for the purpose of being approved, recognized or authorized by any authority established or incorporated under any law
Hnbgu PhD Admission related information
Here he has told. That if your category journal is OBC EWS then your fees will have to be paid 700 and if you live in SC ST then your fees will have to be paid 350.
For hnbgu PhD entrence examiner arrange different types of fees mathered for different castes.
How many PhD seats are available in which hnbgu facultys?
Like 8 in English, 3 in Hindi, 8 in Commerce, one in Geography, 4 in Geology. In the same way you have to go after seeing everything and then total 150 seats are available in this hnbgu university so 150 seats are still available.
Which procedures you have to follow to get admission in the hnbgu university.
As I have told you the criteria that you should have minimum 55%. If you belong to any category then you should have minimum 50%.
After that here they have told that your paper in these dates will be divided into two sections. Section one section two section one will be best on your research methodology.
In which total your research methodology will be of 50 marks and there will also be a section.
That subject of yours will be specific, even in the subject. You are doing PhD like Engineering, Commerce, Management Law that will be your section as well as section.
Whatever will be your specific subject, your section will also be best on 50 marks.
HNBGU’s instruction to qualify the exam
To qualify this PhD entrence exam, if you belong to any category, then you will have 45. 50% for the journal, so minimum you have to score 50%.
In this PhD entrance exam only then you can apply for PhD and then your second part will be done if you qualify it. You will be given the Interview Processor.
Examination FormInterview and Viva will be of your 30 marks. In which way your 70 marks will be on your entrance exam and 30 marks will be your interview processor and give as I told you your paper
You are the best in the section on Research Methodology and have 50% marks in it.
How did you like this information of ours, I hope you have got some new knowledg. thanks for reading the blog