Does Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) have left hand viewmodel?

Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) features a detailed viewmodel to support the entire player base and can easily be altered using console commands. The game contains a console window that can be used to trigger and change different settings without navigating through the huge customization menu. Most seasoned players will already have basic commands like FPS and

Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) features a detailed viewmodel to support the entire player base and can easily be altered using console commands. The game contains a console window that can be used to trigger and change different settings without navigating through the huge customization menu. Most seasoned players will already have basic commands like FPS and matchmaking ping limit memorized.

Unfortunately, as of writing, CS2 currently does not have a viewmodel side change feature. Thus, you cannot switch to a left-hand viewmodel in Counter-Strike 2. However, if the developers enabled the feature, it would likely follow the legacy console commands that were available in CS:GO.

Below, you can learn how to easily switch from right to left hand and vice versa if CS2 introduces a left-handed viewmodel feature just like CS:GO.

How to enable left hand viewmodel in CS:GO?

Counter-Strike 2 viewmodel (Image via Valve)

Since CS2's release on September 27, 2023, the official CS:GO matchmaking servers worldwide have ceased to exist. However, players can still try a version of the game after CS2's release. While matchmaking servers will not be online in this game version, players can engage in private matches or spend time in community servers to reminisce about the iconic title.

If you wish to try out CS:GO even after Counter-Strike 2's release, here is a quick guide that you can use to switch the viewmodel from right to left. As stated earlier, CS2 currently does not have a viewmodel switch feature. The following steps will highlight how it was done in the game's prequel, assuming CS2 will follow a similar approach:

  • Launch the game from Steam by using your account credentials.
  • Make sure that your console is enabled in the settings.
  • You need to press the keybind associated with the console to toggle it on.
  • Enter the command “cl_righthand 0” in your console window to switch the viewmodel from right to left hand.
  • You can use this command and replace the 0 with 1 to switch the viewmodel back to the right-hand side.

It is important to note that you should not drastically change settings as it can affect your gameplay performance. If you are used to the right-hand viewmodel, it might take a few hours to adjust and retrain your muscle memory for the left-hand switch. However, this viewmodel change does not directly affect any FOV, sensitivity, or other settings.

Is the left hand viewmodel better?

Counter-Strike 2 viewmodel right-handed (Image via Valve)

The left-handed viewmodel cannot be claimed as the better iteration but can definitely be more useful in some gunfight scenarios. Left-handed players mostly prefer this setting, and it can be beneficial if you peek out from the left towards the right on different maps. The performance depends on your mechanical skills and game sense since it is a purely visual change and does not affect any other aspect of the game.

Players can also utilize defined keybinds like its prequel to quickly switch between the two viewmodels and avoid opening the console window. However, its effectiveness might not be as impactful as players think. This is primarily because it adds up to one more thing that users must continuously do instead of focusing on the match.

The slightest movement can distract a player, and such a hiccup during crucial moments can lead to defeat. But if you have developed this as a habit from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), you should utilize it to make the most out of it.

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