Brad Pitt would rather talk about Jennifer Aniston than Make It Right NOLA

Hats off to Brad Pitts PR team, they have really earned their paychecks over the past five months or so. We went from talking about how Brads estranged wife ghosted him and how his children hate him and dont want anything to do with him to talking about whether he and Jennifer Aniston are going

Golden Globes 2019 Press Room

Hats off to Brad Pitt’s PR team, they have really earned their paychecks over the past five months or so. We went from talking about how Brad’s estranged wife ghosted him and how his children hate him and don’t want anything to do with him to talking about whether he and Jennifer Aniston are going to get remarried because they’re clearly still in love (with the publicity they get from being around each other). From the Daily Mirror:

Hollywood’s former golden couple Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are back in love, according to their closest friends. They claim the superstar exes dated at least five times prior to their moving screen reunion last weekend… including a secret tryst at Jen’s Bel Air mansion over the Christmas holiday.

A confidante of the former Friends actress reveals: “I don’t think she’s ever really stopped loving him, even though he broke her heart when he left her for Angelina Jolie. It has taken a long time but she has forgiven him for everything – forgiveness has been a big part of them moving on.”

And a long-time associate of Brad’s movie production company Plan B confirms: “All he can talk about is Jen. They have reignited their romance and I haven’t seen either of them this happy in years.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

I’m so tired of this and I’ve already told the peeps what I think is happening. Maybe I just need to sit back and ride the wave of manufactured romantic drama and Oscar strategy. Maybe I should just enjoy the little fairytale the elves at CAA have worked so hard on. But here’s the thing: I can’t. Because I know the Brad & Jen fairytale is not just about Oscar campaigning or changing the subject away from Angelina Jolie, the six Jolie-Pitt kids, substance abuse and other kinds of abuse. Brad is also trying to change the subject away from his utter abdication of responsibility for Make It Right NOLA, the charity he founded. He spent years soaking up publicity for MIR, and then when it all went to hell, he pretended he didn’t have anything to do with it. He’s been sued for the shoddy, dangerous construction on the MIR houses. And now it looks like the toxic mold (from the shoddy homes) has killed someone:

These shocking images and video show the disgusting state of Brad Pitt’s charity’s abandoned office in the heart of the New Orleans neighborhood he promised to rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. Over the last couple of years, that promise has looked increasingly empty, as the people who bought the houses from his non-profit Make it Right foundation built in the Lower Ninth Ward have complained of them falling apart and being a serious health hazard.

Now the family of Make It Right homeowner Trudy Green are claiming that the toxic mold played a major part in her death in January 2018 and have called on A-Lister Brad and his charity to stop the ‘epidemic’, which may lead to others losing their lives. In an exclusive interview, her brother-in-law, Reverend Charles Duplessis, who lives and runs a church in the area, says Make It Right have to make homeowners’ health its priority, so there aren’t anymore untimely deaths or serious illnesses.

“There ought to be someone who is checking the health of all these people with problems. It won’t bring Trudy back, but when you have an epidemic, you try to help those that are a part of it,” Rev. Charles told Sun Online. “If it went on with Trudy, how many other people are sick and could die? If it can be stopped, then people will be able to live longer. Where there’s injustice, there has to be justice. Sometimes it takes more than one voice, we need people to say that they want not just their houses examined, but their health, that’s much more important. To use the charity’s words, they have to make the houses right.”

In another case, a child has been reportedly left brain damaged due to the high levels of mold in his family’s house, while other residents are known to have severe respiratory problems with some needing an oxygen tank to breathe.

[From The Sun]

Brad has asked to be taken off the class-action lawsuit against MIR, filed by the low-income home owners who were trapped in 30-year mortgages for homes that fell apart in a year. Again, this was a foundation Brad FOUNDED. He was the face of it. He raised money for it. And then he got bored and walked away and no one is supposed to talk about that. We’re supposed to talk about Jennifer Aniston and whether Brad is on Tinder (he is not, it’s just something his speechwriters came up with). People really do let attractive white men get away with EVERYTHING.

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Photos courtesy of WENN, Avalon Red.

