All you need to know about 'The Last Stylebender's' dating history following his recent scathing com

Reigning UFC middleweight champion Israel Adesanya recently made headlines for his scathing public comments directed at his ex-girlfriend, Charlotte Powdrell. Adesanya, who is fresh off a knockout victory over Alex Pereira at UFC 287, is known for keeping his personal life private but seems to have taken a different approach when it comes to Powdrell.

Reigning UFC middleweight champion Israel Adesanya recently made headlines for his scathing public comments directed at his ex-girlfriend, Charlotte Powdrell.

Adesanya, who is fresh off a knockout victory over Alex Pereira at UFC 287, is known for keeping his personal life private but seems to have taken a different approach when it comes to Powdrell.

The pair first garnered attention after a photo of him posing with Powdrell surfaced online following his victory over Robert Whittaker at UFC 243. Since then, the middleweight champion has refrained from posting anything too personal on his social media - until now.

In a series of stinging Instagram Stories, 'The Last Stylebender' publicly criticized Powdrell, referencing the recent scandal surrounding professional footballer Achraf Hakimi.

In one of his Stories, Adesanya posted an image of him and Powdrell together, with a 'Pinocchio' emoji superimposed on his ex-girlfriend's face. While the exact nature of their breakup remains unknown, it appears that the Nigerian-born MMA star has decided to air his grievances with Powdrell for all to see.

Check out Israel Adesanya's recent Instagram Stories below:

Far left: Adesanya and Powdrell with a 'Pinocchio' emoji superimposed on her face [Credits: Israel Adesanya on Instagram]
Credits: @stylebender on Instagram

Israel Adesanya has announced his intentions to pursue legal action against his ex-girlfriend, Charlotte Powdrell. The 185-pound champion shared a blurred-out screenshot of an email he supposedly sent to Powdrell, revealing distressing information about their time together. While the exact contents of the email remain unknown, Adesanya's decision to publicly share this information has raised questions about the nature of their breakup.

Credits: @stylebender on Instagram

Why did Israel Adesanya reference Achraf Hakimi in his Instagram Stories?

In one of the Instagram Stories directed at his ex-girlfriend Charlotte Powdrell, Israel Adesanya referenced Paris Saint-Germain footballer Achraf Hakimi.

The Moroccan star recently made the news after it was reported that his wife, Hiba Abouk, who is seeking a divorce, wanted half of the footballer's fortune. However, as per News 24/7, Hakimi has registered all his properties under his mother's name.

Replying to the news on Twitter, Adesanya seemed to side with the footballer.

The UFC middleweight champion had previously dated Charlotte Powdrell, but it appears they are no longer together. Adesanya revealed the news in an email he shared with his fans, indicating that they have decided to part ways.

Adesanya's current relationship status is unknown. However, he has been spotted on multiple occasions with Shana Evers, an Australian model who bears an uncanny resemblance to famous reality star Kim Kardashian.

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